A book of love and worries
“All of a sudden my daughters grew up and disappeared from my life: not physically, but emotionally. So I could not help them as I would have liked, or protect them against the violence that it is so present and perceivable in our lives.”
I have portrayed the young women I met walking along the Regent’s Canal, and other waterways, in London, and with them the fears of a mother who sees her daughters become adult women, precisely in these years characterised by uncertainty and evolution.
A mother can teach everything she knows and prepare her daughters to the fullest to cope with difficulties, but transmitting the experience and awareness of the dangers of the world is more complicated. The challenge of facing obstacles, is made even more difficult for women, especially in these times marked by climate change, pandemics, sexism, discrimination, economic and political instability and, in England, by the effects of Brexit.
Read the Review by Gerhard (Gerry) Clausing, Photobook Journal, 2023

Take Me to Live with You
A Social Family Album
These are homes of elderly people who have certain cultural, political and moral values to transmit, potentially embedded in their home environment, therefore making them parental figures of reference. Values that we can’t afford to lose, as well as them. I have involved in this narrative people who are part of the collective memory of italian society, having joined the partisan movement, feminism, culture and politics, the fight for civil and women’s rights, the fight against the mafia, but that are also part of my personal memory. It is a meditation to pass on to future generations. A social family album where spaces, objects, images and texts related to these people are communicating on his or her behalf. Between the lines lies the relationship with my father, encapsulated in his final illness, which, like many parental relationships, was part success, part failure.
“In Take Me to Live with You, a project based on a courageous narrative hypothesis, we find again the shift from the private to the public, from the intimate to the social and political, couched in the terms of a diary, or rather a particular amplified family album, because the various protagonists participate actively in its construction by virtue of their consent”. Roberta Valtorta

A set of special edition prints has been produced for the publishing of the book, don’t miss out and order one of them to have it with the book.
The photobook is published by Kehrer Verlag.